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Dev diary 175

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Dev diary 175 Empty Dev diary 175

Message  Phoenix Ven 13 Oct 2017, 11:13 pm

Pas d'avion, ni d'info sur des choses connus, mais n truc demandé, et qui arrive sans crier gare, la distance de rendu va être augmenté avec un multiplicateur de presque X4.

hello everybody,
the month of surprises continues and today we present you a new kind of them - instead of a new plane it will be a new tech. Our lead programmer and lead landscape designer were developing new stuff for a couple of months already: it will allow us to make the visual image of the sim drastically more realistic and modern looking in the next update. Their main task was increasing the rendering distance of the terrain almost four times, from 40 to 150 kilometers, and they completed it successfully.
This task automatically brings several smaller ones with it in tow: increasing rendering distance of the clouds and making them more diverse, improving the air haze, the horizon, making additional, simplified landscape beyond the map borders since you can see so far now and so on. Ofcourse, one of the main objectives was to not allow significantly FPS drop appear due to this new feature, and we succeed in this. For example, today's discussion on how the new haze should look was so tense and spirited you won't believe it, with many members of the team participating - producer Jason Williams, lead programmer Sergey Vorsin, lead landscape designer Evgeny Isaev, lead physics engineer Andrey Solomykin, build manager Andrey Dineev, physics engineer Roman Kovalenko and yours truly Daniel Tuseev, of course Dev diary 175 Smile .
You can see the current result of the work on the following screenshots that were taken during daytime at 5000, 2000, 500 and 100 meters altitude. This improvement will get rid of likely the last important thing our engine lacked in comparison to our competitors, and now it looks like we're taking the lead instead. Otherwise, our graphics engine is hands down the best among the combat flight sims. But we won't stop at this, that's for sure, we'll move forward!

Source :

Des images comparatives à différentes altitudes :


Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-41292700-1507925292

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-59263700-1507925287

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-14503700-1507925301

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-85155200-1507925296

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-04140200-1507925311

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-94015800-1507925305

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-93840600-1507925325

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-63836600-1507925317

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-33741300-1507925335

Dev diary 175 Post-19-0-59276400-1507925330

Messages : 2266
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2013
Localisation : Bordeaux

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Dev diary 175 Empty Re: Dev diary 175

Message  Invité Sam 14 Oct 2017, 4:11 pm


L'immersion et le plaisir de voler, notamment sur Kuban vont faire un bond de géant !
Merci pour l'info !
Avec le soleil qui règne en ce moment voilà un WE qui s'annonce sous de bons augures !


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Dev diary 175 Empty Re: Dev diary 175

Message  13 Sam 14 Oct 2017, 5:01 pm

Ohhh oui j ai vu ca ! et je suis le premier a m en rejouir , moi qui suis une quiche pour me situer dans un espace en 3 dimensions et pas qu en simu , ca va m aider grandement pour la nav , et en plus c est vraiment tres beau .
Reste a voir si ca impactera les perfs et dans quelle proportion si c est le cas .
J ai lu un commentaire de Han qui confirmait qu on verrait les aerodromes de plus loin , dans les memes proportions d augmentation de visu en fait , pas les batiments mais les airports oui ! Top top top !

Messages : 851
Date d'inscription : 10/12/2014
Age : 59
Localisation : Nantes

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Dev diary 175 Empty Re: Dev diary 175

Message  Obelix Sam 14 Oct 2017, 8:50 pm

Ah ouais, quand même!
Livreur de Menhir
Livreur de Menhir

Messages : 2711
Date d'inscription : 07/11/2012
Age : 59
Localisation : un ch'tit village, près d'une forêt, et entouré de forts romains

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Dev diary 175 Empty Re: Dev diary 175

Message  Pips Sam 14 Oct 2017, 10:38 pm

En ce moment, j'ai l'impression que le jeu s'améliore dans tous les sens chaque semaine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-]

Messages : 2106
Date d'inscription : 29/08/2013
Localisation : LOT (46)

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